Saturday, October 7, 2017

Assignment 4 Cate Clay

In seventh grade I attended my friend's bar mitzvah at a local Jewish temple. Having grown up in a predominantly Christian household, this experience fascinated me. I knew a little about various other religions, but I had never actually sat in on a non-Christian religious service. The temple's congregation was welcoming and did not seem bothered by the fact that a large group of us had come to their temple for the first time. I was exposed to a variety of Jewish traditions and practices that  I didn't previously know existed. After this service, I began to think more in depth about what religion, if any, I aligned with. I had always identified as Christian simply because my family did. I wanted to truly explore other faiths. I was pleased when both my parents encouraged this exploration and did not try to push any belief system on me. I still not do not feel completely committed to any religion, but I am grateful that this experience pushed me to consider religions other than Christianity.

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