Sunday, October 8, 2017

Assignment 4 Griffin Coates

Throughout middle school and the early years of high school the only thing on my mind was being able to drive. I envied the juniors and seniors ability to drive greatly. They had so much more freedom, being able to drive themselves to and from practice or anywhere else they needed to be. I envied my camp friends who were able to drive at age 15, almost an entire year earlier. However, with the freedom to drive also comes great responsibility. This I had yet to recognize. One missed turn signal, one missed stop sign and you have the potential to kill somebody in the blink of an eye. Now being able to drive, this leads me to the overarching question: Should the legal driving age be kept at 16? As you can see, this requirement age of 16 has been questioned also, which is portrayed by the varying driving ages throughout the fifty states.

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