Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 8 - Lindsey Angel

Fears : losing the people I love, incompetence/disappointment, murky water (in the past for the most part)
Annoyances : unrealistic expectations, arrogance
Accomplishments : my grades and test scores, (hopefully) making others happy, embracing myself, facing my fears
Confusions : the future
Sorrows : incompetence, indecisiveness
Dreams : self-actualization, happiness, love (is that cliche? probably)
Idiosyncrasies : being "extra", I'm a little bit O.C.D. sometimes
Risks : vulnerability, honesty
Beloved Possessions : While not exactly possessions, my niece and nephew (bet you didn't see that one coming - if you know me you totally did) plus laughter (I love to laugh).
Problems : indecisiveness, procrastination

I am an extremely loud person. I am incredibly clumsy. I make stupid jokes. I am very blunt. And I have an affinity for laughter. Growing up these things about me were never issues, in fact, I loved being outgoing and wild. In middle school, that started to change. I was afraid to be myself, afraid of being judged for my opinions, and my actions. For example, back then I would have never been able to post something like this publicly, really expressing my thoughts and opinions, and if I did so I would have been a bit nervous about people judging me for it. Anyway, going into high school, I knew no one (except for a few acquaintances), and had no real friends. I had to start completely over, and maybe that was for the best. At the very beginning of freshman year, I still tiptoed around being myself, in an attempt to get everyone to like me. I don't really remember when it changed, or why I changed, but over time I became WAY more comfortable with being myself. Looking back, I think it's because I finally found the right kind of friends. I didn't care about popularity anymore, and I didn't have to try to be someone I wasn't, or hide away parts of myself in fear of embarrassment. In other words, I stopped trying. While seemingly insignificant, looking back, that is my greatest accomplishment. Finding true friends, who embraced all parts of my personality, and in turn, I did so to myself.

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