Saturday, October 14, 2017

Assignment 7 elle varner

What I want to be when I "grow up" is a doctor. Cliché, I know. Everyone says that they want to be a doctor when they get older and a lot of those people don't become one. This is why I want to go to a college with an advanced medical program. I also want to go to a college known for a good education, but one where they don't study the entire time- I want to still have fun.  I've always dreamed of going to a big college and going somewhere unfamiliar to me.  The thought of going away from home scares me but also intrigues me. That's what I'm looking forward to most, having fun, making new friends, and the independence that comes with high school graduation. Although I am completely scared of moving away from something I'm so used to, I can't wait to start "real life".

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