Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 7 - Will Graves

Will Graves

Even though it may seem daunting at points, the fact that I will be applying to colleges one year from now excites me. You can’t put a monetary value on a college education. To me, the value of higher education means much more the cost of tuition or whether or not you attend a prestigious university. Right now high school is preparing me for college, the final stage of my education before I go off into the real world. I’m not exactly sure what I want to study but I want to go to a school with reputation in engineering and sciences that would offer various job opportunities after graduating. My ideal college is one that challenges me to be the best that I can be in a community of diverse people who offer different perspectives on issues and ideas. Colleges also provide opportunities to meet new people and make connections that can open doors later in life. With the many new freedoms that come with college also come new responsibilities that will help prepare me for the rest of my life.

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