Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 5 - Isabella Matthews

Prompt: Why do you watch TV? Why do you not? What shows do you love or hate?

I don’t watch TV very often of late (Netflix included), but when I do it is for one of the three following reasons: to stay updated on current events, to have something on as white noise, or as a way to relax. The first reason is pretty self-explanatory, referring in my case to daily news shows. As for the second reason, often times while I’m doing tedious homework like key terms or key subconcepts I’ll put on Friends, The Office, Parks and Rec, or another such show that I can watch without paying too much attention and still be able to follow the plot line fairly well. But when I do have a little bit of free time and I’m too tired to read I’ll often times put on an episode of whatever show I’m watching on Netflix (currently How I Met Your Mother) and have a relaxing moment before I go to sleep.

Outside of these three reasons I rarely watch TV or Netflix simply because I believe there are more important things to be doing than wasting all your time in front of the TV.

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