Sunday, October 8, 2017

Assignment 3 - Matthew Kingkade

Last spring break I went to Guatemala along with a group of 15 other people from my church. This was a big learning experience for me as I had never been out of the country before. While we were there we traveled throughout the country from tiny villages on the sides of volcanoes to big cities filled with Easter celebrations. One big idea I learned throughout the week is how much they value family. Many of the families in Guatemala live with their extended family including their grandparents, and in some cases cousins. Everyone in the family has a job whether it be cooking, working, cleaning, or running errands. If one family member is unable to do their part the others pick them up and help them out. Many of these families live in tiny villages on the side of a volcano where it may be an hour drive to the nearest grocery store or market. These families depend on each other and the few other families in their village to survive. Here in Lexington we may only see our relatives during holidays and we may not even know our neighbors, but in Guatemala family is their number one priority.

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