Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 5 Griffin Coates

I believe television is a great form of entertainment, as well as a convenient mode of advertising.  Everyday millions of people sit down and watch their favorite television shows, swooning over their favorite characters while hundreds of ads for various products play. Most use commercials as a bathroom break or run-to-the-pantry break but all the while the commercial is still audible in the other room. With millions of people watching these shows, the advertisements are effective and sucessful. The same level of interest doesn't happen with Nobel Prizes. Almost nobody finds it interesting to follow the nominees for the Nobel Prizes, mainly because they aren't as publicized. If they were publicized more, I'm sure a large share of the population would follow it. Instead, the large and popular television celebrities are followed by cameramen watching their every move, making the Emmy's more popular.

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