Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 6 Griffin Coates

One of my main interests in lacrosse. I currently play for Henry Clay and The Commonwealth Kings. Starting in 5th grade, it has played a major role in my life. It has helped me to create some of my best friendships and long-lasting relationships over the years, especially with the outstanding coaches who not only taught me lacrosse but also taught me life lessons. My favorite class so far has been AP Seminar. This class helped me to break through in writing style, which I can hopefully improve over the next year. Before this class I lacked the skill of proper research. I didn't use credible sources and didn't know how to cite them properly when I did, creating an ineffective paper overall. In seminar, I learned how to research properly and create a well-structured paper. I plan to build on that this year, using my previous research skills to construct and all around well-structured paper — using skills from John Trimble.

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