Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 8 - Lizzy Wolfe

Fears: falling, the dark, small spaces, fights, failure
Annoyances: clicking pens, selfishness
Accomplishments: competitive dance teams, art shows, 4.0 GPA, high ACT
Confusions: what influences people to do the wrong thing (steal, domestic violence, etc.)
Sorrows: anxiety, stress
Dreams: long lasting friendships, positivity, success
Idiosyncrasies: eating one thing at a time, braiding small pieces of hair when I’m nervous
Risks: speaking my mind, ending friendships
Beloved Possessions: books (then), Great-Grandmother’s necklace (now)
Problems: time management

 Falling? Isn’t that just fear of heights?

No, it’s not. In fact, I love being high in the air and taking risks. Zip lining, roller coasters, cliff jumping into water, you name it. But in all those cases, I am safe and strapped in. I like the idea of a safety net. I am okay with taking risks, but I don’t want to put myself in danger. I feel like this is true for many aspects of my life, and this ongoing cycle of uncertainty and conflicting feelings is the cause of stress and anxiety. There is an internal conflict between what I think is the ideal and actual reality. As far as grades, I tear myself apart over bad test grades, but I know that I am a bad test taker. What’s the worst-case scenario? I get a B in the class. Although not ideal, it is a very real outcome and one that, honestly, isn’t that bad.

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