Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 4 Julia Meadors

From a young age, we are often told that we are too young to do something we want to do. This may not affect us when we are little and have to sit at the kid's table with all your cousins at family gatherings, but recently I’ve noticed people, especially adults, looking down on me for my age. Recently I went to a Girl Scout training for adults and was by far the youngest person in the room. I overheard the adults sitting next to my sister and I commenting that “This training isn’t for kids.” Before the training, I turned my phone off and paid attention through the entire presentation. We then split off into small groups to talk about our ideas. The adults quickly turning to each other as if they didn’t expect me to have anything to add to the conversation. I quickly piped up and gave an idea that left the adults in shock. I feel like even though someone may be younger and have as much in age, they can still have the same ideas or even a different take on an issue that someone who is older may not even consider.

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