Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 6 - Lindsey Angel

Last Wednesday, the entire sophomore grade as well the majority of the juniors (myself included) took the PSAT. Now if you've ever taken a standardized test, you are probably aware of the lengthy questionnaire everyone has to fill out before taking the test. One of the questions being what you're interested in (mathematics, English, biology, etc.) Every time I am faced with this question I never know what to put. Whenever someone asks what I want to major in? Undecided is my answer. I want to go to medical school and become a surgeon (as of right now preferably a pediatric general surgeon). However, there's no specific major that you have to have to get into medical school. Literally, one of my sister's (who is an ears, nose, and throat surgeon) friends in her residency program was a dance major in college. So, I'm a bit lost as to what to do. I love science and math, but those are both very broad areas of study. Luckily, I still have a lot of time to decide!

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