Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 6 Julia Meadors

For the past 12 years, I have attended Camp Judy Layne which is a Girl Scout camp. When I was little the camp was always full, you had to register for the summer camp the day they opened up registration or else you wouldn’t be able to get a spot. Each year, my two sisters and I would work tirelessly to sell 3,000 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies in order to attend the camp for free. I also learned many things during each week of camp I attended such as outdoor skills and leadership and was just free to be myself. But, as the years have gone on, the registration has dropped dramatically. This has concerned me because I do not want the young girls to miss out on this camp which I feel like has helped shaped me into who I am today. Recently I have become a counselor at this camp and I have heard about the problems in getting people to want to register for a session of camp. My sisters and I have worked on going to troops in our area and telling them about the camp and helping to get the word out about it and to help get registration up. I have found that kids are more likely to get excited about camp and want to come if they have an older Girl Scout come and talk to them and talk about it instead of just getting an email or having an adult come and talk to them about camp. 

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