Sunday, October 8, 2017

Assignment 6 - Will Gregory

I love Engineering. I love learning how the world works and then redoing it to make it better. I am particularly fascinated by efficiency in engineering. I constantly find myself redesigning elements of the world around me to make it more efficient. In school I find myself redesigning the hallways as to make them more effective in moving us from class to class( I have mentally redesigned the downstairs orange intersection at least 12 times). Ever since i have become able to drive, I have become much more aware of the inefficiencies in our roads and intersections( I find the double diamond intersection at Harrodsburg and New circle to be a marvel of Engineering)

Its little things like this that dominate my mind and distract me. Im so enamored by designed that i want to have a career in it. I think it is the most realistic way to make the world a better place and would love to try my hand at it.

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