Saturday, October 14, 2017

Assignment 7 Harris Hawkins

I long for a college with diversity and a great sense of community. I want to meet new people, people different from me. I want to try new things and discover unfamiliar places. With regards to education, I'm looking for a college that will give me the tools to become successful after college. Academics are extremely important, however I want my dream college to understand life should be more than homework and studying. As I plan to play basketball in college, committed professors willing to work with me when I miss class for away games is vital. I refuse to attend a school just because I like their basketball coach; instead I will base my decision on every aspect of college life. Academics  remaining at the top of my list. Engineering interests me and I enjoy solving problems. My ideal major would be a double major in engineering and business completed in 5 years. After the five years I would obtain my MBA and an engineering degree. Unfortunately this program is only available at select schools.

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