Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 7 - Dani Fauzi

I haven’t narrowed down a list or have any exact colleges in mind at this point, but I think I’d like to study somewhere with a small community of students who work collaboratively, who uplift each other instead of competing with each other. I’d prefer a smaller college, maybe as small as nearby Centre College, but I guess if I was determined I could find such a community in a school of any size. 

I’d also like to study at school that values a student’s exploration of different fields of study. I’m completely undecided in what I want to study in college. I have loved all the history classes I’ve taken so far, and all the science classes, and I also love analyzing literature and art. I hope to study at a school that would facilitates study across vastly different disciplines, and encourages students to collaborate across different disciplines. However, by senior year, when I'm actually applying to colleges I might be more focused and not care about this anymore. Who knows.

In the end, the most important factor I’ll have to consider in choosing a college to attend is affordability. I’m thinking of pursuing graduate studies or professional studies after receiving an undergraduate degree, so it’s important that I keep the amount of expenses and student loans I take out for undergraduate studies to a minimum. 

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