Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 7 - Lizzy Wolfe

Thinking about college is exciting. Meeting new people, learning, starting my life.

I know that I want to major in marketing and minor in art, and possibly double major/minor in communications or public relations. I would like to go to a college that has networking opportunities, as I would like to have an internship and the possibility of a job right after school. I would like to get an MBA after college, but it is important to me to stay debt-free so I won’t go back to school until I can afford it.

My ideal college is a community. I don’t want to go somewhere that feels way too big, but at the same time, I would like for it to be bigger than my high school. I want to be able to talk to people on an intellectual level. I don’t want to be the smartest one in the room. I want to feel dumb sometimes, get a bad grade on a test, and learn from experiences. I want college to promote growth – as a learner and as an individual.

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