Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 5 - Lindsey Angel

In all honesty, I'm not a huge fan of television. I actually don't even use my actual T.V. that often, mostly because I'm too busy during the week, and have better things to do on the weekend.  Now I won't lie, I can easily binge watch my favorite shows on Netflix (grey's anatomy is my all time favorite) for hours at a time, but I try to refrain from doing so. For me, television is a distraction, wanted but unneeded. While I can try to pretend that its just background noise while I do homework, it ends up taking all my attention, preventing me from getting any real work done. So, during the school year, I try to limit my time spent on Netflix (the same can not be said for during breaks!). However, I most definitely think television is a great form of media because it is an outlet for so many different ideas and opinions, but for me personally, it ends up being a vice.

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