Monday, October 2, 2017

Assignment 3 - Lindsey Angel

On my sixth birthday, I first set foot in Greece. As a bit of background, my (much older) sisters convinced my parents to finally let us take a trip out of the country the summer before my middle sister went off to college - the trip my family decided on would take us through Athens, Santorini, Mykonos, and a few other cities. Now Greeks don't usually get to meet many natural blondes (at least in the cities we went to a decade ago), and when I was younger my hair, unlike now, was a bright white blonde. Consequently, the Greek people we met became extremely excited when they saw me, asking to touch my hair, trying talk to me, and giving me gifts. Obviously, at that age, I didn't fully comprehend why these people were treating me in the way they were. In fact, when asked about this special treatment and why I was getting it, I responded with "Because they think I'm pretty" accompanied by a sheepish smile. Long story short, this was my first encounter with such intense cultural diversity. I was just a little girl from Kentucky, where the most diversity I had experienced was going to the local grocery store every week. Now, looking back, I wish I had been older and better able to comprehend and appreciate all that Greece's culture had to offer. Nonetheless, I will forever treasure my memories of that trip (especially all the free gifts). Ten years later, whenever I get the chance to experience such cultural diversity, I try my best to dive in, in the hope that I won't ever have to regret missing out on such amazing experiences later in life.

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