Sunday, December 3, 2017

Luke de Castro Assignment 13

            Racism is a huge problem today with no sign of disappearing. Racism is based on the color of people’s skin and preconceived notions about what that might mean about their background and personality. Notice how this false analysis of a person starts with viewing the color of their skin. What if there was a way to eliminate this initial perception? With advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning, scientists may have the answer.

            The answer is government purchased augmented reality headsets that cause the wearer to view all skin colors as green. This would eliminate the initial perception of people and stop the stereotyping before it begins. Now the first obstacle to this program is cost. A headset for everyone in America would certainly be expensive, but I propose that the benefits far outweigh the costs. Racism itself is expensive. Police are paid to defend white supremacists and KKK rallies, and without racism, the rallies wouldn’t occur. Also, the higher incomes of currently oppressed minorities will increase tax revenues for the federal government, thus bringing down the cost of this program. Immeasurable benefits will surely come with these headsets as well. The country could move on from the discussions about race and start working towards other goals. These headsets are exactly what America and soon the world will need to solve the problem of racism.

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