Sunday, December 3, 2017

Assignment 11 Lucy Ferguson

I sit next to Breland Finch in class. Ive always known who Breland was but i never really talked to her much before this year in class. Im glad we sit next to each other so I can get to know her better. Breland is one of the most genuinely nice people I have ever met and although she can be quite sometimes, she can surprise you with her great sense of humor and overall nice personality. Breland is extremely smart I think she will definitely grow up to be successful in anything she does. In five years I can see Breland graduating from a good college with straight As and top of her class going to graduate school to pursue her dream. Breland could do anything she wants with her great personality and smartness and I am glad that I get to sit next to her in AP Lang this year. I hope she remembers me when she is famous and successful.

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