Sunday, December 3, 2017

Assignment 12 - Will Graves

Picking a college roommate is a daunting task. College is a whole new ball game, and while I like to think I'm extroverted, living with someone I’ve never met in a foreign environment will take some getting used to. Its exciting and scary at the same time. 

I hope that my roommate and I become close enough friends to talk to each other about anything and everything. Some of the biggest things I would want my roommate to know about me is that I try to be an honest person and I’m a pretty easygoing guy. I like a good sense of humor and I joke a lot, so he shouldn’t take anything I say too seriously. I like to live in a decently clean environment but I wouldn’t really call myself a “neat freak.” Hopefully we are similar in these aspects and hopefully we are comfortable enough that he would tell me if he doesn’t like something I do. I look forward to college life and all its obstacles that my roommate and I will tackle together. 

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