Sunday, December 3, 2017

Assignment 10 - Will Graves

I sometimes think about the likelihood of a zombie apocalypse. Then I start thinking about the likelihood of surviving one. And while the chances of both are extremely low I do have a vague idea of what I would do if an epidemic were to break out (even though we will probably all die form a nuclear attack form North Korea before any of this happens). 

At the top of my survival list would be to get supplies. I would rush to the nearest grocery store, where I would most likely get trampled and die. But assuming I make it out alive I’d stock up on rice and beans, things that would last a long time and not go bad. Next I would try to get weapons which would ideally be machine guns and grenades, but I’d more than likely have to settle with lacrosse sticks and chainsaws. 

The safest place to hide would actually be my house. I live pretty far out in the country and don’t have any neighbors, making it terrible for Saturday nights, but ideal in this situation. Overall a pretty stereotypical plan, but effective. But again, what are the chances of any of this actually happening? 

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