Sunday, December 3, 2017

Assignment 11- Katie Demos- The Roasting of Luke deCastro

I want to take a minute to point out that Luke deCastro didn't even know how to spell my name until Friday. I don't mean to be rude, we all know Luke is a little slow sometimes, I was just a little surprised he thought my last name had an "i" in it. Regardless, Luke, I know you tried and I thank you for that!!!
Oh Luke, where to begin. I should start with how he believes that "everyone is a scientist." Frankly, I never agreed with this outlandish claim, but I suppose that's because he considers himself a scientist, and if someone of his intellect can be a scientist, anyone can. Luke is very good with computers and anything technological. Some have even dubbed him a "technosexual!" Although that may be somewhat of an inaccurate and harsh label, it conveys the point that Luke is very devoted to technology and all of its little facets. Sometimes, Luke will even act like a computer and have "brain farts" where he acts like his mind has been blown. It could be considered endearing, but really demonstrates his inability to operate like a normal person, which is evident in his timed writings as well.
Additionally, his methods for remembering vocab words and last minute studying are frankly absurd! Luke will make up a whole speech including every vocab word, or even creates actions to remember words such as "cavort!" And although Luke routinely scores higher than me on the vocab tests, he's still haughty about his mundane achievements. Take a seat in your not-cushioned chair Luke, and sit your ego down as well while you're at it.
As student of the month, we should all strive to be like Luke deCastro, right? The model class participant! It's just a little difficult to do so when Luke deCastro is so vehemently... Luke.
(Let it be known that me and Luke agreed on a mutual roast but if he's not okay with it I'll take everything down because he's awesome and deserves to be recognized as such)
Sincerely(or maybe not so much),
Katie Demos

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