Sunday, December 3, 2017

Assignment 14 - Isabella Matthews

My Thanksgiving has changed drastically over the years and therefore has taken on many different appearances. When I was little my (very large) extended family would all get together at my grandmother's house for a big lunch/brunch on Thanksgiving day. Followed by most hanging out to watch football or play it in the front yard and of course a handful that went home to take a nap before we all met back up at my Aunt Kim's house for dinner. It was large, loud, and what most people might imagine a big 15-30 person Thanksgiving dinner to look like. Then the next day my cousins and I would decorate my grandmother's house for Christmas before my mom, sister, and I had to return to Lexington.

As I got older the Thanksgivings got quieter. We stopped going down to Tennessee to spend Thanksgiving with my mom's family and spent it here with friends instead. At this point Thanksgiving is just a sweet little affair with our little family.

Thanksgiving used to be one of my favorite times of the year. It was full of family and noise and love and joy and tradition and everything that I associate with the holiday season. As it drifted away from all of that I lost a lot of the joy I associated with the holiday. I bare it no ill will by any means. On the contrary, I still have many good memories to associate with it. But when Thanksgiving rolls around it's like just another day to me, aside from the necessary amounts of stress and excessive cooking for four people that is.

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