Sunday, December 3, 2017

Assignment 12 - Lizzy Wolfe

To my future roommate:

  •        I am very big into routines. I follow them closely every day and I might be a little off if something messes up.
  •       I try my hardest to be healthy. I work out and run often. Although I’m not really a morning person, I always do this in the morning. I also like to eat healthy. I have Celiac Disease, so I will always eat gluten free. But I also like to try to avoid soda and excessive processed sugars. I like to cook and even though we are given food I will probably make my own sometimes.
  •        I’m very messy but my mess will never be in your space.
  •        I’m a list maker (if not obvious).
  •        I don’t mind sharing but please ask first.
  •        I like coffee. Like a lot. I drink it black so I will never have creamer, I’m sorry.
  •        I cry frequently. This doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong; It could mean that I’m stressed or temporarily mad or just watched a chick flick or I’m happy. I cry about everything so don’t be alarmed.
  •        I like to do art. Maybe we can hang some of my projects in our room.
  •        I don’t like fighting and I try to avoid conflict. I have a pretty positive attitude and I hope you can see that in me!

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