Sunday, December 3, 2017

Assignment 9 - Will Graves

War, while sometime necessary, should be a last resort and the worst case scenario. War and violence should only be necessary when every other option has failed. There are many cases where war is the lesser of two evils. Take North Korea for example. They are currently testing their nuclear abilities and if they were to target a country it would kill millions of people and affect others not just in the area. If some nation were to start a conventional war with North Korea thousands of people may die, but thats better than millions of innocent people...right? There is no good scenario here, ideally there would just be world peace and everything would be butterflies and rainbows but unfortunately thats not the case. There have been times where war hasn't been necessary and violence has still been the outcome. I feel that it should be avoided as much as possible. In cases where it is necessary, conventional war is more contained and confined to smaller areas making it the lesser of two evils. While all of this is in conjecture, none of it is out of realm of possibility. 

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