Saturday, December 16, 2017

Assignment 16 Harris Hawkins

21st Century logic: kill our only source of oxygen for material goods and to slightly improve our lives. 15.3 billion trees are cut down annually. The world has lost 1,000 hectares of forests in the last 100 years (Azevedo, 2014). Let me put that in perspective. At this rate, in another 100 years, 0 hectares will remain. That's right—no more zip lining through the amazon or hiking through the rainforest. But scientists have larger concerns. 15% of greenhouse gas emissions stem from deforestation. Not to mention the effect deforestation has on wildlife. Jaguars, giant pandas, and spider monkeys include some of the animals in danger because of human greediness. What if I told you mass deforestation is unnecessary? With today's technology wiping out forests needs to become a thing of the past.  
According to the United States Census Bureau, while family size continues to decrease, the sizes of homes are increasing. This preposterous correlation not only wastes natural resources, but leads to unnecessary deforestation. Modern Americans tend to build new houses instead of inhabiting older ones. New homes require materials such as plywood and lumber. Ironic how humans steal panda's homes in order to build new houses. 
According to Green Schools, Americans use an average of 730 pounds of paper per person a year. Nearly half of the waste comes from schools. I'm not going to stand up here and scrutinize teachers or the school board because I realize paper is necessary. However, the use of paper could be drastically cut. We possess the technology and tools to complete the majority of school work online. Teachers would still be needed to teach the subjects and guide the class but homework and tests could all be completed online. For example, I among other students, completed health online.   
Trees aren't the only valuable resource damaged by deforestation. Scientists have determined habitat loss hurts bees almost as much as the harmful pesticides. Earlier honey bees built their hives on tree tops. They have had to shift to building hives near human dominated areas due to deforestation and habitat loss. Humans tend to destroy hives and combs when found on their property because of their fear of getting stung. Scientist also use plants for medicine and by cutting down rainforests, some plants aren't even being discovered. Another negative consequence of deforestation includes exposing soil to heat and rain. Following deforestation, soil compacts. This causes rainwater to wash out the nutrients that makes the soil fertile. Deforestation also results in flooding. Trees absorb water extremely well and prevent erosion. Once trees are cut down, rivers rise and downstream flooding occurs. Finally, deforestation leads to the displacement of indigenous people. Numerous tribes in the Amazon have lived off the land for generations. When governments decide to clear land for civilized communities, indigenous people are ignored. 
Deforestation has a couple positive consequences. Deforestation clears the way for communities and roads to be built. Deforestation also leads to the conversion of forests in to productive farm land. Economically, cutting down trees has created jobs and provided humans with crucial resources. But if we are smarter and more efficient we can use deforestation sparingly and still reap the same benefits.  
In the Amazon cattle ranching is responsible for the majority of deforestation. However, scientists including Tasso Azevedo, are developing solutions to tropical forest loss in Brazil. Brazil uses real time monitoring to precisely monitor how many and where trees are being cut down. Farm land from illegal deforestation is being apprehended and sold by the government. The money then goes towards forest restoration projects. Since 2006, deforestation has slowly decreased in the Amazon. Surprisingly the Brazilian economy has increased by 2.1% since 2006 as well. Proving that limiting deforestation won't kill the economy. 
In conclusion, in may be impossible to exterminate deforestation, however through technology and environmental policies it can be severely limited. The simple practice of planting a tree for every tree cut down seems fair, but greedy company owners are all for saving a buck. Selfishness relates to many of the problems in the world today, deforestation included. Through efficient use of resources and a little help from lawmakers, humans may be able to coexist with the majestic creatures of the rainforest. 
Azevedo, Tasso. “Hopeful Lessons from the Battle to Save Rainforests.” TED: Ideas Worth Spreading, Oct. 2014, (TED talk) 
Bureau, US Census. “Data.” America’s Families and Living Arrangements: 2016, 2017, 
Cotthem, Willem Van. “Deforestation : Positive and Negative Consequences (Technorati / Nandu Green).” DESERTIFICATION, 6 Feb. 2010,  
Robertie, Trevis. “Green Death of the Forests.” Top Documentary Films, 1 Jan. 1970,  (documentary) 
Scientists, Concerned. “Deforestation Today: It's Just Business (2010).” Union of Concerned Scientists, 1 Dec. 2010 

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