Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Assignment 14 - Dani Fauzi

Thanksgiving was not celebrated on Thursday for my family this year. My parents, both gentle laborers, were working. We finally cooked a turkey on Saturday. My dad had won it in a lottery at work. It was only our nuclear family eating together. We had no experience with turkey and it turned out unimpressive. My mother passive-aggressively suggested to my father that we should have just cooked Indonesian food as usual. The festivities soon ended as a newspaper customer called to rag on my father because the customer could not find his paper, and off my father went. The leftover bird is still being slowly, but surely, consumed in packed lunches.
I’m indifferent towards the holiday due to a lack of family tradition surrounding it. I dislike the holiday as a harbinger of increased traffic in the area of Fayette mall, two miles from where I live.
My favorite thanksgiving memory took place in the thanksgiving of 2016. We celebrated with my cousin’s family. After the meal my cousin and I drove out to an empty parking lot and talked about how college was going for her and how sophomore year was going for me. I stared out at the peeling brick wall of some convenience store’s facade the entire time. 

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