Saturday, December 2, 2017

Assignment 14 - Lindsey Angel

Thanksgiving is definitely not one of my favorite holidays, in fact, for the most part, I don't enjoy Thanksgiving. Don't get me wrong, I love the concept of Thanksgiving, just not the execution. Getting together with those you love and being sincerely thankful for everything and everyone you have been given throughout your life sounds amazing. However, this idea is often misconstrued, especially in my own home. Every year we invite the entirety of my mom's family, a few members of my dad's family, and some family friends over for Thanksgiving dinner. Needless to say, there are a ton of - in my opinion, far too many - people at my house during the holidays. The result is my parents get super stressed out trying to make everyone happy and cook enough food to feed thirty people, and that genuine thankfulness is lost somewhere between the gravy and my grandma's pecan pie. When I think of this holiday, the overarching feelings are stress and general - not to sound like a typical teenager, but - moodiness. So no, I do not like MY FAMILY'S interpretation of Thanksgiving. Hopefully, one day that will change when it is my turn to decide how Thanksgiving goes.

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