Sunday, May 6, 2018

Luke de Castro Assignment 25

            When I was in 2nd grade, we had a class assignment to write a “book.” We had to write a paragraph with one sentence on each page and draw one illustration per page. On the range from sloppy to OCD when it came to homework in 2nd grade, I was definitely closer to the OCD side. So, on each page, I meticulously etched out 10 drawings. It took many hours over many days. The drawings were not complex; they were just a few colors. The problem was my methods. To color in the vast expanses of green for the grass and blue for the sky, I insisted on working with a razor sharp colored pencil, being careful to draw with only the tip. I refused my parents help, as they pleaded with me to just turn the pencil sideways to cover more surface area. I stubbornly marked down minuscule line by minuscule line to achieve a perfect color uniformity across each page.
            By the end of the process I was immensely proud of my “perfect” piece of art. It was something I had worked tirelessly to create, and although I should have learned some lessons about stubbornness, I believe that this story shows a part of my character. I don’t give up.

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