Sunday, May 6, 2018

Luke de Castro Assignment 23

The majority of my music listening experience occurs when I’m driving. I usually don’t put my earbuds in at school and my parents frown upon listening to music while working (now I can finally tell them it’s for school). When selecting music for driving, I care less about the lyrics and more about the beat or baseline. I like a song that I can bob my head to or tap along on the steering wheel. The song should be upbeat, to represent the freedom of the open road. All of the songs in this playlist have been tested by me in the car.

This first song is by Lewis Del Mar. Its message is that you are unrestricted in what you want to do, and it sets the optimistic tone that demonstrates the freedom of driving a car. The upbeat drumline also allows for some awesome car dance moves.

I’ve jammed out many times to “Stars & Galaxies.” This song is about riding a shooting star to be with a loved one. When you’re driving, although you may not be going to see your significant other, you still wish to be somewhere else. This song has a more relaxed tone then the previous, as you settle into the groove of driving.

Continuing with a more relaxed feel, this song still has a beat that you could bob your head to. However, the chorus’s are punctuated with a louder volume and a quicker pace. This indicates a shift into a more exciting tone that grows through the rest of the playlist.

This song is by the same artist as the previous, and it continues with the theme of lighter verses with louder and booming choruses.

The penultimate song is about finding your way through a difficult journey, which is emblematic of your car ride; your trip is almost over. More importantly, it has a catchy tune that you can tap along to. This is supposed to give you more energy before you arrive at your destination.

The last song packs a punch in terms of energy. This tune is supposed to deliver excitement and hype as you prepare to be successful at your destination.

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