Sunday, May 6, 2018

Assignment 24- Julia Meadors

Junior year has been full of ups and downs but overall I feel like it has been a pretty good year. Before school had even started I was facing a mountain of homework and no time to do it between participating in a 6 week exchange program and marching band camp. I knew that the rest of the year wasn’t going to be much easier with 5 AP classes so I tackled all the work and got it done just in time for school to start.
First semester flew by. I honestly don’t remember a ton about it. I made it through another season of marching band during which I was diagnosed with tendonitis and was forced to wear a boot throughout most of the season. Even with all the 7 am physical therapy appointments I learned that sometimes to do something you love you have to work a little harder to make it happen. I also survived all of my classes, managed a lot of stress, and learned that it’s important to ask for help when you need it.
                Second semester has been even faster than the first. I joined the pit for the school musical on top of the other billion commitments I already have. Also, the threat of AP tests that once seemed so far away have suddenly arrived with finals and summer right around the corner.

Finally I anxiously awaited the results from the applications I completed throughout the year. I was accepted into the Governors School for Entrepreneurs this summer and also Youth Salute and National Honors Society this school year. I am going to have another busy summer ahead of me and I am ready for senior year. 

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