Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Assignment 26- Katie Demos

I think that would could’ve probably done better with the ACT vocab tests. I do find them useful but I definitely forgot almost all of them after we finished in the fall. Additionally, although I did find the times writings to be helpful, I almost felt like we did too many. We didn’t really have any variation because we did timed writings almost every week. I feel like we could’ve really expanded on the inner/outer circle activities and reading the essays in the books. I definitely found the timed writings to be effective, however I just wonder if maybe we could’ve done even more. I really enjoyed having the speech and psa as finals instead of other basic tests, however I didn’t appreciate the visual literacy projects. I recognize that they’re meant to teach us skills of advertisers and manufacturers, but ultimately they felt a little irrelevant and not important to the class because we only discussed them right before they were due. The blog posts are good. It’s nice to feel like your teacher appreciates you as a person and more than just as a number.

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