Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Assignment 24 Lucy Ferguson

I'm not going to lie junior year has been a hard year for me. All of my classes were hard and overwhelming and I think it really got to me. Some of my grades have struggled but I'm pulling myself together at the end of the semester to try and get my grades back up by the end of the semester. I think the best decision I made this semester was to take photography class with Mr. Junker because it has been such fun and interesting experience and a nice break during my long school day. Although I did struggle through my other classes, I'm proud of how AP Calculus went for me this year and i feel like that was a big success for me this year to be able to understand all the content and feel like i did well on the AP test. If i could go back and change one thing about this year I would go back to the beginning of last last semester and fill my time with more homework and focus more on homework than social activities and not over book my schedule with cross country, dance, and friends and set aside more time for myself and homework. One thing I don't regret about this year that I was scared i was going to regret is quitting dance in December after doing it for my whole life. I think it was a good decision for me because it gave me so much more time to do other things and just overall made me a happier person. This year was definitely a long journey but i feel like it overall taught me a lot about myself and ended up not too bad.

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