Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Assignment 21 Lucy Ferguson

Before my freshman year of high school I never really had to do much work for my classes or study to get good grades, but all of this changed when i came to Henry Clay. For the first time in my life I actually had homework i had to do and tests that i actually had to study for. This hit me hard my freshman year and I really struggled to do good in my classes. before then I had never gotten a B in any class so when i got 3 Bs first semester of my freshman year I didn't know what to do. Second semester I had to learn to keep up with my work, not procrastinate, and actually study for tests and quizzes. This was very hard for me and while I still struggled in my classes all my hard work finally payed off. With all the hard work and effort I put in second semester of freshman year I ended up getting straight As. While i struggled so much during first semester I learned to overcome my disappointment and put in a lot of hard work to achieve my goal in the end.

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