Monday, May 7, 2018

assignment 24 - Dani Fauzi

This school year I’ve succeeded in getting a decent ACT score, not that a 3-hour test really determines anything about anyone. I didn’t get into GSA for visual arts, which had been my dream since middle school when I first heard of the program. My mental health took a turn for the worse and disqualified me from consideration for NSLIY after becoming a semi-finalist. I failed a class for the first time. I didn’t learn how to drive. Despite all these failures, most of which are academic, I feel like I really grew as a person. I strengthened friendships, spent most of my daylight hours outside of my room exploring parks and underpasses and drainage pipes with the people I love. And despite not getting into GSA, I feel like a developed my voice and focus as an artist.

This summer I plan to work, take summer gym, read, and make art. What I want for my senior year is to continue working on improving my mental health, and to gain clarity in my future. I’m still undecided on whether I will attend a 4-year college/university or instead go to trade school. To come to this decision, I’ll consider multiple perspectives on the issue.

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