Monday, May 28, 2018

Assignment 26- Cate Clay

All in all, this class has contributed to huge leaps in the development of my writing skills. Although it sometimes felt a little redundant and boring, I realize now, our constant practice with AP-style prompts provided me with confidence that I carried with me on the day of the AP test and that I will continue to carry with me in all of my future writing endeavors. As you pointed out, although "teaching to the test" is sometimes looked down upon, often times the skills necessary for the test are important skills for life in general. Being able to effectively argue claims and analyze the arguments of others is not just useful/necessary for the AP Lang test. My improvement upon these skills throughout the school year has made me better equipped for the writing I will have to do in college and even in my future career. Being "taught to the test" this year felt tedious, but I know now that it paid off and I am a better writer because of it. You should continue with this method as it is the most effective in preparing students for the AP test while also achieving the basic goal of any high school English class: improve students' writing. 

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