Thursday, May 31, 2018

Assignment 26 - Isabella Matthews

I enjoyed this class. It was entertaining and challenging and helped me to become a better writer. It was exactly what I needed. As much as everyone protested with each new essay we had to do, it was what we needed to pass the AP test and it was what we needed to become developed enough writers that we were ready for college. I wasn’t such a fan of the socratic seminars, which is why I think we should have done more of them. I had a hard time in that area because I’m an incredibly non-confrontational person, meaning that I wasn’t going to interject and cut somebody off if I had any option of it. With each socratic seminar I felt my confidence grow ever so slightly. But we only did 2 or 3. This activity is a good one because it pushes students out of their comfort zone and for that readon should be done more frequently.

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