Thursday, May 24, 2018

Assignment 26 Harris Hawkins

In August, as you were describing the course, I felt completely overwhelmed. I think I was scared because I was foreign to all the things you described; never had I made a movie or completed an analysis essay. Looking back on the year, your class was one of the most worth while classes I've taken. Writing is a HUGE part of college and it wasn't until the first time writing that I realized how horrible mine was. Boy was I surprised to learn the 5 paragraph essay couldn't get me through life. Luckily, through the blog posts and timed writing my writing improved.
The practice ACT English helped me tremendously. I went from a 26 to a 31 in the English category. This, as well as the vocab quizzes, were extremely helpful and productive. I also appreciate you forcing us to public speak for our 1st semester final exam. This being something I struggle with, practicing in front of the class was beneficial.
 My only bone to pick would be the summer assignment. It hung over my head all summer and stressed me out towards the end. I was glad to hear you took Writing With Style off the list, but I believe The Teenage Brain was beneficial.

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