Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Assignment 24 - Will Graves

I have always been told that junior year would be the most difficult year of my life in terms of academics. I have found that to be true in some case, and not in others. I have struggled my whole life with procrastination by have gotten by okay for the most part. But first semester of junior year was a wake up call to me in that I can’t go through life waiting until the last minutes to do my work. A year from now I will know where I’m attending college, which to me is a scary notion but at the same time very exciting. While the last three years of my life have not been a breeze I’ve heard that people coming out of the Liberal Arts Academy at Henry Clay are well prepared for the work load in college. Overall junior year has taught me many lessons with the biggest one being procrastination. Staying ahead in my schoolwork is very important to me and I hope to carry that through to senior year. This summer I will be visiting colleges and trying to narrow down my choices as to where I want to go.

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