Sunday, May 6, 2018

Assignment 24 Elle Varner

Honestly, all the talk about senior year being the hardest academically is completely true. Even right now I’m procrastinating my 110 key terms that I have to have done by Friday. Other than the schoolwork, however, I think that junior year is one of the most important socially. It seems that this year I have expanded my friend group to people I wouldn’t normally talk to on a daily basis and I love it. Also my teachers have been wonderful this year (better than the past 2, but don’t tell them). And I think that the maturity of myself and my classmates has risen exponentially. Being an “upperclassman” definetly has its perks.
Next year I plan to have the worst case of senioritis ever, but i think my competitive nature will force me to get my grades up. My ideal college situation is to early decision somewhere because it makes senior year easier in the sense that you don’t actually have to worry about your grades as much.

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