Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Assignment 24 Harris Hawkins

Junior year. A year of challenging classes and patchy facial hair. Junior year presented me with obstacles and bumps in the road, but overall I  think it made me a stronger person. Junior began with the freeing experience of driving. Yes, driving comes with many perks, but also great responsibility. Junior year has great importance for college. Its the time to raise your GPA and achieve a desirable test score. My failure of junior year was my ACT score. I came up 3 points short of the score I need to play basketball at my favorite school. Luckily, I have the summer to study and hopefully reach my goal. Other than that, my summer will consist of umpiring T-ball games for some money, working basketball camps, working out, and becoming closer to making a college choice. I guess I'll try and have some fun too. My plan for Senior year is to enjoy my last year with all my friends and family.

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