Sunday, May 13, 2018

Griffin Coates Assignment 24

Junior year honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Seniors had told me that this was going to be year the worst year of my life. Honestly, it wasn't. As long as you managed your work and learned how to not procrastinate, you should be fine. That being said, it was more labor intensive than my other years.  I hope that I am prepared for senior year.

Over the summer I plan to visit colleges. I still have no clue what I want to be yet. I'm playing summer lacrosse for the last time and I'm really going to miss all the friends I've made on that team. I'm also looking forward to camp, where I'll be a senior leader, in charge of 30 kids for a week. Other than being scared for senior year and what it holds, I'm ready for summer.

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