Friday, May 25, 2018

Assignment 26 - Will Graves

Although I learned a lot in AP Seminar Sophomore year, I felt out of practice in terms of writing anything other than research papers. As a result I struggled throughout first semester, but with the year coming to an end I feel much more confident in my writing abilities. More than anything the “no no” words help me the most. Although very frustrating at times that list forced me to restructure my sentences which completely turned the style of my wiring around. I went from writing inadequate essays to effective ones, and on occasion an 8 or 9. The vocabulary quizzes were also beneficial in my writing as they helped improve my diction and voice. I wish I had more practice with the rhetorical analysis essays as that was what I felt least confident writing on the AP test. Learning more about the specific rhetorical strategies authors use would help me write more effective essays. Also, If there was any way to learn time management when writing essays I feel like that would be beneficial as I felt pressed for time on the writing portion the AP test. I spent the majority of the time trying to think of an amazing introduction and then rushed through the body of the essays. Overall I felt well prepared for the AP because of all the practice we had writing essays. Reading them aloud and getting immediate feedback was very helpful. 

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