Sunday, May 6, 2018

Assignment 24 - Lindsey Angel

I would love to say that my junior year has been made up of nothing but successes. However, if it was, I wouldn't be who I am today. So yes, this year has been made up of successes, failures, mistakes, and the lessons learned from them. Despite said failures and mistakes, junior year has easily been the best year of highschool for many reasons. I have grown so much closer with my friends, made new ones, and learned A LOT not only about school but about myself and life in general. However, I am extremely excited for summer, and what senior year brings. My summer will be made up of working with my best friends, spending time with my adorable niece and nephew (I apologize, I have probably brought them up in about half my blogposts. Whoops!) and hopefully just enjoying life. I am sure that senior year will bring a very contagious case of senioritis, but also a wealth of knowledge and self-discovery. As for my actual goals for senior year, I plan on figuring out what the heck I want to do, and where I want to spend the next four years doing it.

Thanks, Mr. Logson for being a great teacher, and for coming up with this assignment. It has been by far one of my favorites from this year!

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