Sunday, May 6, 2018

Luke de Castro Assignment 24

Junior year has by far been my most challenging year of my high school career. Yet I’ve surprised myself with my accomplishments under such a rigorous schedule. This year has not been free of mistakes, but I believe that I am prepared for the year ahead and college.
My workload this year has forced me to learn how to prioritize and manage my tasks. Yes, all homework is important, but some classes need to be prioritized over others. One mistake that I have made over the year is prioritizing homework based upon my respect for the teacher assigning that homework. One teacher (I won’t name them here) seems to be lazy, and the homework she assigns doesn’t feel important. I would fail to complete her homework assignments the most. Now that I recognize this fault I will actively try to prioritize the homework from teachers that I don’t like. My success in the class must be independent of the teacher’s effort.
Moving forward, I have also realized that I must be more focused with my extracurricular activities. My after-school schedule is both full and diverse, yet after visiting several colleges, I have learned that many admissions offices prefer students who are well focused. I recognize the benefits of being well-rounded, but I also know that I might be able to accomplish greater objectives by focusing my time on fewer activities. For these reasons, I have decided to work on the same summer activities that I did last summer in order to fine tune my passions.
Having completed three years of high school, I am confident that I can handle a college level workload. With the lessons I have learned, I hope that colleges will recognize my efforts as a student.

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