Thursday, May 24, 2018

Assignment 24 - Isabella Matthews

Everything is fine.

So many times throughout this year I have uttered the words "everything is fine" in an effort to convince myself that yes, it was all okay and yes, I would be fine getting through junior year. I didn't want anyone to see how this year had shaken me. I didn't want to admit the fact to myself. Junior year wrecked me a little bit. It put me face-to-face with challenges I thought I might never experience, certainly not in high school.

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret a single moment of my year. Everything that happened helped me to grow as a person and therefore was vital in my particular "growing up" experience, helping me to become who I am.  The good, the bad, all of it has made me into the person I am. That being said, this year kinda sucked. Between new struggles with academics and procrastination and more issues outside of school than can be counted, it sucked. But through all those struggles I found two of the best friends one could ever have. Junior year brought us together as well as brought many other little groups together.

Without this year I would not have the amazing Junker Photo Squad. A group of incredibly talented individuals devoted to helping each other create their art, whether that be a film project or a photoshoot or anything. They've helped to make this year bearable–enjoyable even. Without the friendships this year created I don't think I would have been able to handle junior year. Without them I would be terrified for senior year and graduation and life after high school.

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