Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Griffin Coates Assignment 18

Before I graduate high school, I'd like to visit Yellowstone National Park. The summer of 8th grade me and my family went on a 2 week-long trip to visit Glacier National Park. It was honestly one of the coolest trips, from the scenery to the wild animals and all the amazing places we stayed in. Definitely on the top of my list, I'm sure it will be just as fascinating as Glacier.

Before I graduate college, I want to leave the country and travel. Whether it be visiting Italy or hiking  in Switzerland, easily something I want to do. Yeah, The United States is cool, but there is so much more to explore beyond the walls of our country.

Before I die, I want to fully learn another language. Not just conversational, but know it inside and out. Language barriers are a tough thing in our world, making it hard to travel to other countries and live the full experience. With another language, I would be able to explore new countries and do so many more things with my life.

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