Sunday, March 25, 2018

Assignment 22 Luke de Castro

My time at MIT Launch was a formative experience for me. In the summer leading up to Sophomore year, I spent a month at MIT studying entrepreneurship and creating a small startup with three other students. The experience taught me about being scrappy to get things done. Creating a business plan in one month took hard work and creativity. We had to email, call, and skype with professionals; fight just to get interviews; and burn the midnight oil to complete assignments. The program taught me to persevere through any setback.
            I learned how to be more independent and come up with my own solutions to problems. At school or home, an adult is always right there to hold your hand. While away for a month (a record for me) I became more independent and discovered how to navigate the world without that constant helping hand. It gave me more confidence, for I know that when I leave home for college and beyond I will be better able to live by myself.

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